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7. Gender Equality

Gender equality implies a society in which women and men enjoy the same opportunities, outcomes, rights and obligations in all spheres of life. Respecting this concept, we:
   • Shall seek to advance gender balance and equity and endeavor the equal participation of women in all our development initiatives.
   • Shall fully integrate gender sensitization into our human resources development and promote non-discriminatory working practice and
   • Will strive to increase the number of women in decision-making positions, promote gender equality in recruitment, hiring, professional
     development and advancement.

8. Financial management

Our finances must be managed to ensure appropriate use of funds and accountability to the donors, government, and the public in increasing accuracy. To this end we will:
   • Comply with accepted business accounting and auditing practices, including voucher and authorization process.
   • Ensure that audits are carried out by independent auditors officially recognized.
   • Use systemwide accounting and budget control by setting up bookkeeping, journal, general ledger properly per each project.
   • Control strictly the balance sheets of transactions (financial request for advance, disbursement and liquidation supported by original
     proofs), keeping all documentations filed in an easily auditable manner.
   • Publicly announce any charges against a member for fraud, theft, misappropriation of funds or any attempt to commit these crimes.
   • Eliminate all form of conflicts caused by financial interest, especially fraud prevention against:
  falsifying receipts.
  rectifying unit cost or amount
  presenting a receipt of ineffective act
  changing quality or reducing quantity of object or persons
  reducing length or duration of mission, different from actual figures in financial request.
An investigation team composed of one member from admin; another from finance section and another from staff association shall be formed to deal with any financial scandal.
   • Use restricted moneys for unintended purpose and allocated funds according to donor desires, also spend no more than 25% of total
     revenue on fund raising and administration.

9. Capability building

Recognizing our operations in a constant environmental change, we need to equip and re-equip ourselves to respond to new challenges by the following ways:
   • Train staff members to deeply comprehend the by-law, the code of ethical principles and conduct, including the democratic governance
     and eliminate all form of discrimination, abuse of power and favoritism, in order to keep staff members abreast of technological changes
     and advances.
   • Train staff members to understand profoundly the universal declaration, covenants, conventions recognized by Cambodian Constitution,
    mainly children’s rights, law on people with disabilities, human rights in administration, education, health, and then human rights and
    development, different forms of human rights violation, essentially violation of the rights of the child.
   • Develop life skills related to working train especially critical/analytical thinking, reflective thinking, strategic analysis, Bloom Taxonomy,
     Socratic technique, conflict solving, goal setting, leadership and team building to reinforce decentralization in the organization.
   • Send staff members to be trained technically and specifically organized by donors or by related agencies to strengthen strategic and
     technical skills and develop human skills.
   • A reasonable training program will be established with regard to operations and time factor.
   • Establish network of similar or likeminded organizations so that they can assist each other in reinforcing working skills for common

10. Networking

In reality we cannot operate in a vacuum without the support of others, in consequence we commit ourselves to:
   • Create network so as to share ideas and objectives to avoid duplicating activities and reduce competition for scarce resources.
   • Disseminate information through networks, share experiences and best practices without compromising institutional confidentiality.
   • Gain right information from network members and from referred public members for our projects and activities.
   • Better coordination when dealing with issues of mutual concern that will lead to greater impact.
   • Foster an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation in our partnerships and target supportive relationships to the best advantage of our
     organization and target population, in promoting harmony and team spirit within and outside the organization.

11. Observance and monitoring of the code

The Board of Directors, the Management Committee and the leading committee of Staff Association are the guardians of the Code of Ethical Principles and Conduct for OEC. After being trained of the by-law and the code of ethical principles, all staff member must sign on a paper stating their acknowledgment and compliance with these two instruments. New staff will be asked to read the both instruments and sign on a guarantee paper.

Each member of OEC staff as individual has the right to monitor the implementation and has full power to report to the Management Committee, or to the leading committee of staff association which will take further action, all of any violation of these instruments, openly or secretly. Staff can submit in group a necessary complaint.

12. Permanent secretariat for Code observance

A permanent team of two persons, one representative of management committee, and another one representative of leading committee of staff association, equipped with high moral values, shall be selected as secretaries of observance committee of the code. The secretariat has the duties to receive any lodged complaint, then studying it and documenting, checking with instructions and rules stated in the instruments, making investigation if needed, then finally presenting the case to the Management Committee for further action.

13. Fighting against drug addiction

OEC recognizes that people who repeatedly take large amounts of drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, amphetamines, or narcotics may become dependent on the drugs. The effect of these drugs can cause confusion, depression, sleep problems, anxiety, damage to the brain in areas that control thought, memory, and learning; paranoia ascribing hostile intentions to other persons; poor motivation, impaired judgment and memory, personality changes, and disrupted collaboration and family relationships; health problems such as hepatitis. Addicts spend so much time and money trying to obtain drugs or under the influence of drugs that they neglect their family, friends, and work. Pregnant women who take drugs can cause harm to their unborn children. All drug users risk injury or death to themselves and others if they drive under the influence of a drug, and that can destroy internal working harmony, create conflict of interest, undermine all fundamental interrelation with international, national and private institutions, thus putting mission of OEC to an end.

Consequently, OEC and their staff declare solemnly to use all our strong vigilance to prevent possibility of sale, possession, and use of these kinds of drugs, or being intermediaries of illicit commerce, in the office, at home, or in other public place and in personal daily life. To this end, OEC staffs are binding together to keep close watch on their children attitude and children or adults of their neighbors to unanimously maintain the no-drug atmosphere, to use any efficacious psychological or legal ways to discourage drug suppliers and drug traffickers. Any staff member conducts oneself contrarily to this concept shall be expel from his/her position.

14. Fighting to prevent new HIV infection

All OEC staffs shall be capable of explaining their relatives, neighbors and friends the ways of HIV transmission: -Unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, oral); -Shared needles or equipment for injecting drugs; -Non-sterilized needles for tattooing, skin piercing or acupuncture; -Pregnancy, delivery and breast feeding (from an HIV-infected mother to her infant); and -Occupational exposure in health care settings, and then the way where HIV cannot be transmitted through: -Casual, everyday contact; -Shaking hands, hugging, kissing; -Coughs, sneezes; -Giving blood; -Swimming pools, toilet seats; -Sharing eating utensils, water fountains; or -Mosquitoes, other insects, or animals. This awareness is used to prevent HIV and to eliminate discrimination against people infected by HIV. Additionally all OEC staffs shall participate in the campaign encouraging and convince people to accept Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) and Voluntary Counseling and Confidential Testing Service (VCCT), as first step for prevention or treatment to reduce new infection. The important thing is to bring people to consider Voluntary Counseling Testing as routine medical check for individual and familial happiness. They have to use friendship and sincerity to strengthen gender equality in common sentence between man and woman, members of sexual intercourse to avoid risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI).

15. Amendment of the code

This code of ethical principles and conduct, prepared by the Management Committee, agreed by the representative of the staff and the Executive Director, and then approved finally by the Board of Directors, can be amended by the same administrative way, after a serious study and proposal by a special committee specifically appointed to review the code, put in cause by absolute majority of the Board of Directors, management committee, or of the staff association (50% + 1).
16. This Code of Ethical Principles and Conduct was elaborated in two versions, in English and in Khmer, both have the same legitimate value and gone into force from the signing date below.







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Address: Operations Enfants du Cambodge (OEC)
No 23 , Sophy II, Rattanak commune, Battambang city, Battambang province, Cambodia
Tel: +855(0) 53 952 752